However, I'm here now!
So it dosen't matter!!
Anyway, life's been crazy.
Well it isn't the crazy you'd expect.
But of course I've done the normal crazy shit the whole month of december.
Let's talk about A levels which occured during the month of november.
It's a period I'd like to remember.
Well, A levels started on the 5th of november and ended on the 28th for me.
A pretty long period at first sight, but when it starts, it'll finish as soon as it started.
To be honest, there are subjects which I felt I've let down my teachers in and there's also subjects which I gave a MAD amount of effort in.
One in particular is economics which I have to give credit to Mr Khoo for.
He really saved my ass I swear.
I mean I've done a mountainload of work but it never seemed to amount to anything.
However, when Mr Khoo taught me to plan all the questions before attempting a Case Study,
everything seemed to flow easily!
That was 2 days before Econs A levels.
Talk about in time.
So wherever you are,
Whatever you've been through,
and how little time you've have left,
there's always hope.
Speaking about hope, it's always there you know.
Sometimes when we're in really deep slumps we don't want to get out of that state and therefore refuse to acknowledge the presence of hope.
I can understand.
It hurts... A LOT.
However, when you've gotten yourself back on your feet, it will feel good.
Trust me.
We are instinctively happy and good natured people at heart. (:
Sorry, back to A levels haha.
Anyway, first week finished in a flash and it was like A levels was over already lol.
I did slack... but I still struggled to keep my momentum.
2nd week was relatively okay... and MCQ week was Fucking slack lol.
Yeah and like that, A levels is over!
I still remember Lucas whispering to me," It's over, baby."
Gay shit haha.
I felt weird though, like there wasn't a purpose anymore, no more end in mind.
Lazy to remember what I did that day haha.
Maybe I went out or played bball.
Yeah and like that november was OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Now on to december!
I think I had 4 particular major things during december I guess...?
1.Prom night
2.Church camp
4.4D chalet which just ended.
1. Prom Night really great!!
I really mean it.
Prom night was fun and best of all, I made friends with someone who I look up a lot to.
I had to reach hilton hotel earlier because of the prom nominees event.
Here are the famous peeps!!
Everyone was saying how he sucks before he came and now when hes here, they all say hes great and shit.
That's something I don't really like about people.
We all judge too quick.
Me included.
We went ahead with our prom nominee practice as usual and everyone looked great. (:
Laura was a great partner haha.
Thanks for the short but great memories!!
After that we had a period to meet with our friends.
Took pictures and chatted with many peeps. (POLAROID HOR.)
They all looked great!
After that, prom night started!
We had pretty good food and I had to make the entrance with the rest of the nominees!!
After that we were given a break we had a questionaire.
A break again and the Prom King, Queen, Mr Personality and Miss Congeniality
were selected.
Prom king is mingyao, prom queen is audrey, mr personality is gerald and miss congeniality is ling ling!!
Congrats to them!!
The rest of the night was pretty neat too (:
Hey Partner!
Liang! Nuff said haha.
Great dude.
Mala (:
Noob bella. (:
And my class. (:
I couldn't take pictures with a lot of people I wanted if not this blogpost would have MANY more pictures.
After the prom night, we went to club!
We had a free entry to zouk haha.
It was my first time clubbing so yeah....
However, it turned out to be a fun experience!!
Of course there are things which I don't want to see there, the 'dark side' anyway.
That's life isn't it?
We have to embrace it fully, dark and bright.
At zouk. (No, I wasn't drunk.)
2.Church camp wasn't very good...
I feel that I'm honestly not ready for God in my life yet.
One thing that made me feel that way was talking to a pastor and lets not go into details for this.
Yeah so, it wasn't really something I'd want to remember.
Yes there are good things in it but I don't to remember it because there are just too many unpleasant memories.
But heres something good that I've learned, you've only completely forgiven someone or yourself when you look back at that memory and don't feel hurt.
Makes me think.
3.Genting was great (:
There is a part of me that says that it wasn't what I expected but heck it, it was a shitload of fun.
I woke up damn early and walked over to 302 to eat!
QH parents treated me to breakfast... argh feel so baddddd.
But it's free, so....
Then we boarded the bus!! Pretty fun bus trip I'd say. We're only missing the guitars haha.
Checked into hotel and was with Sam, Shiman and YZ.
I kinda expected it because I'm one of the guys who are closer to the girls.
To be honest, I was a bit sian because I can't really do the stuff that guys do when it's just all guys.
However, being with them was cool too because girls' don't snore haha.
The first day we had KBOX, which was definitely FUN.
Then we bowled, arcade and ended off with YZ's bday! (While walking outside the hotel we did something YOLO too haha.)
Sometimes when the fun isn't there, we have to rely on ourselves to make something fun for us and stop the blame on the situation for being boring.
On the second day of genting, we did what all the kids do which was ride the rides.
Kinda humji to ride spaceshot haha.
We wanted to slowly take the less scary rides and end off with spaceshot.
So we started off with viking ship which was okay of course!
Then suddenly all those bastards decided to chiong spaceshot because of the mist which may cause spaceshot to close later on. (Which did later on + rain.)
I couldn't muster the courage to take spaceshot so I waited outside with the anti-spaceshot gang LOL.
Haha kinda regretted, it looked like they enjoyed it a lot.
Then we move on to corkscrew!!
It was a roller coaster which turns 360 with some mediocre depressions.
When I sat on the seat and put on the secure bars, I was like FUCK man, this is gonna get scary haha cause I never really took many roller coasters. (Surprise surprise!)
In the end, it turned out to be thrilling and one hell of a fun (: (By the way, saying YOLO really helps me in daring to take the rides lolol)
We ended off with some mass swing thingy which was totally fun!
It didn't have any depressions though which didn't make it scary haha.
We then took our tea break and went back into the theme park!
I was totally going to take spaceshot but the rain there caused spaceshot to close down damn.
I even queued!! But quite proud of myself la haha.
After this was free and easy where we SHOP and eat snacks haha.
I emphasize the shop because it's fun, bitches.
At night we kinda seperated, some went to pub, some went to sleep and some play taidi...
I slept... LOL.
Third day of genting we are finally going back!!
Sick of genting already lol.
I used to think it was big but now that I've walked through the whole of genting, I think it's really small.
Funny trip back with some dumbass who couldn't control his pee, but he damn sad la haha, nobody tell him alight at toilet before.
That's all! The rest was pretty normal and nothing big happened after that.
Thanks to JP for organising the event yeah!!
We love you JGP.

Leaving Genting.
4.4D chalet!!
LOL before this I accidently typed $D chalet.
Yeah it was REALLY costly lol.
We have to pay a lot cause many people couldn't make it, but I blame daniel that fag cause he dunwan come just because boring and need pay a lot. I also blame other fags that chose not to come despite being able to come and have nothing important stopping them.
However, chalet turned out to be surprisingly fun!
First day we had that fucking crazy 9hr bike ride nabei. (Wah I srsly love singing along lol damn fun I swear LOL) Mad fun.
Second day was mostly sleeping until afternoon and later BBQ and cards!!
It rained halfway during the BBQ and we had to bring in the charcoal lol.
I seriously don't get it lei, I see all the girls standing there around the table while JP and QH taking the charcoal and stuff.
I mean they just looked on and nobody helped ARGH.
I think even got one person ask," Eh someone go do this lei".
Then nobody responded, so I just went straight to help JP and QH plus do the other stuffs that ppl keep saying needs to be done but don't even bother to do it.
I think got some girls who helped but I can't remember who...
Sorry QH!! I got play with the cat when you asking us to help with the charcoal and that is my fault ps LOL.
I think sometimes we say and read too much but we don't put what we've learnt into action.
We have to be aware and really try to not make the same mistakes twice. I've made mistakes more than twice but I always struggle really hard not to see myself do it again.
I may fail, but that never stops me from trying.
That’s the trick, to be aware of your own flaws, acknowledge them and make a genuine attempt to improve.
At night they went crazy lol, drank a shitload of vodka and played truth or dare I think. (I was asleep so I don't know.)
Ekko slapped kevin,
Jacelyn played with the lights,
Ekko wanted to spray water on me but I told her get lost LOL
I think she spray water on kevin for it to act like holy water lolol.
Third day we mostly cleaned the place and went back home!!
Crazy chalet.
That's the end of my blogpost!!
I think it's the longest one up to date.
Maybe second longest.
I know I've got a lot of fragments and the language may not be good haha.
Here's what I've got to say:
~I think sometimes I expect too much fun out of outings and that I have a lot of thinking flaws.
I critisize, scold and act on impulse and have many flaws that I've depised others for having.
However, there is one thing that I know.
I will always go through things that I've done and the things that you guys say.
You may think I disregard what you guys say but even in the midst of shouting and mindless chatter, if I find what you say is sincere or something about me, I will think through it and make the best analysis on it with my perspective and knowledge.
I'll always be sure to correct my mistakes and swallow my pride if needed.
I may not be successful in doing this everytime but I can promise you that I will always give effort on my part.
Above all,
I think the most important thing we could have here is Sincere Intentions.
That's what I've learned.
With that, others things will fall in place.
BIG HUGS! (A tagline from a great friend.) (: