Thursday, 17 January 2013

Do looks really matter?

I'm sure this has been a topic of discussion for billions of times but here's my perspective.

Honestly I think this helps.
To all those who think that their crush who refuses to like them because they aren't good looking enough maybe it's time to get off your lazy ass to make yourself look better and obtain more attractive characteristics.
If a person dosen't like you now it's probably because you aren't good looking enough or your personality sucks.
Let's just focus on these 2, outside and inside.
If we'd just think about it for a while, these people could be doing us good. I mean if they'd accepted you in your current shitty state, you'd probably come up with stupid things like why pick me I'm not good enough and that shit.
I'd rather they not accept your ugly ass and get you working up the fucking ladder to become a more refined individual.
Be it going to the gym, learning the piano, another language, making yourself more sociable, interesting or becoming an expert in your sport...etc.
I'm not saying that you should be a more refined individual for the sake of getting someone to like you, but maybe you should take a good long look at yourself before complaining about the world.

So stop complaining about things, thinking about what could have been and go out and make things happen!

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