OMG ITS 2012!! FINALLY CAN WRITE THAT NO. ON MY HW MUHAHA...! Wishing all you guys a happy beginning to the year 2012 and that you have emerged a stronger person from the year 2011. (:
First day of CHALET!
0.9. Bought gifts for you guys but never any for wei xuan and li jie. Felt damn EFFING bad but then... aiya fuck it lah, can't even find the spare gifts I originally wanted to give them at first... DAMN IT.
1. Training got cancelled, was kinna frustrated at first, but thought about being able to not go alone to pasir ris made me kinna happy... So it was kinda mixed feeling i guess.
2. Took 302 to lot 1 and saw madupal and sam walking to lot 1. Made me laugh... don't know why though haha.
3. Met with the guys... going well so far, could talk and feel like myself moving all e way to the chalet. Felt bad when i see sammy sian with the cover... SORRY! I will make it up to you... VERY WASTE OF $20 I KNOW...! So we were there and then shiman was still at CCK. Maybe have some ppl feel sian but I honestly thought it wasn't a dull period. We had time to buy the stuff for chalet and the animals got to play bowling. I helped contribute with my water knowledge ABIT haha...
4. So we went into the chalet and unpacked our stuff yay! Wash leg and walk out without dry. Dunno who scold me but FUCK! First mistake liao AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Gave out the gifts with guilt... haiz >_>. Maybe shouldn't have bought so much, or at least tried to buy some sg gifts.
5. Animals came back then we went to rent bikes...!! Yay! very long nvr ride bike liao. Somemore through the night... awesome...! JP and QH had to tank for the ppl who nvr bring enuf money... maybe i shuld have help tank but decided not to. At least not then anyway. Very noble of them although. Hope you 2 have a good 2012.
6. BBQ started yay!! Animals went to bike first and we started to bbq. Hanlei started e BBQ as usual and lazy sam go upstairs sleep haha. Remember keep disturbing daniel when he helped out with e charcoal. I keep saying "Daniel siah..." Dunno why but very fun LOL. After that food was ready!! Sam come down liao b4 went to call her wakeup... and I was food tester...! Ate e first chicken wing muhahaha. It was cooked!! (: Nxt few hrs a blur. Mostly smoke and animals came back and eat. ( Oh ya and fan alot for hanlei.)
6.5. Ppl played bridge which i still halfway learning cos we watching wipeout haha! Damn funny cos of the fat girl and very suspenseful. Like an NBA game 7 4th quarter. Forest won!! Expected. It was a copy of ninja warrior but still good though! Good job USA! (: CB like watching world cup sia. We were THAT NOISY. *BUT THIS IS WHAT I LOVE. THIS IS WHAT CHALET SHOULD BE ABOUT!! US SHOUTING AND SMACKING HANDS IN ANTICIPATION!* ^_^
7. AT NIGHT...! Okay here got alot of time play werewolf but i forgot most of it anyway. Me and chin narrator again i think? And we played!! Chin makes a good narrator. Hes gay but hes really a good guy.
8. Went to CYCLE! I was kept in e middle in order to not lose me. A*holes last time i lost in east coast only cos i nvr wear specs k. Now i got white and btr specs. But i don't mind u calling me easily lost cos its nt offensive haha. Cycling that time very LOL weixuan lead to temple in order to pray for safety. Sean and others say christian so cannot go in. Went in to see e temple. Really peaceful and stuff, heard the barks of 2 big doggies but nvr see. Ltr went back outside to wait with sean and some ppl else. Waited by the pond with the fish dunno wth its called...(Longan?) Then some1 ask me abt my christian again.
(ARGH. Hate it when this happens. Makes me feel fickle-minded. Which i am lah zzz. I really hate to talk about this but i don't know how to avoid this topic. Maybe shouldn't have bought that chain from Jap just cos it looks nice and becos one rush decision to be christian b4 jap holidays haiz. Aiya just damn sian ppl keep ask me this religion stuff lah. Maybe its only cos i feel bad about it.)
9. Went to ride long long!! Forgot about the above yay! Fucking uphill make me pant. We cross road (traffic light) that time got 3 police car, they say must dismount if not will kanna punishment or smth LOL. so just do lor. Nxt traffic light, AIYA HECK CARE LAR LOL. Only daniel that funny guy dismount. Ltr part pass changi hospital and JP say cannot look inside. Cos of respect and ghosts...? I think. I didn't look...! Cos i keep focus on QH shirt behind lols. Cycled back and then got downhill liao wohoooo!! Got this one part damn fast until almost cannot control... wah damn fun. Feel bad for the 3 zhabors who nvr come haha... Then went to this one part and did roadcall. JP asked us to do roadcall. (Will relate back to this part later.) After that just cycled back. Boring but peaceful, gave me time to think about stuff. Dunno why I hate to think sometimes but like to think at peaceful periods. I was last in e end haha. Nvr get lost hor. Went back to chalet and mistook some indian guy for malcolm. LITERALLY. It was at chalet the check in place there lol. Lucky nvr chat with him.
10. By then we were outside chalet liaos. Bryan say cannot go inside chalet if not will stink lols. So he very angry when QH went inside LOL. Okay after that took turns go E-hub bathe...! There the shower nice like last year... except got upgrades...! Nicer now haha.
11. I don't care the 12am effect dosen't count unless its for countdown.
12. ATE at kopitiam...! When 2 woman out the 3 woke up i guess... With all e guys wide awake. Ate at the kopitiam with peng who was pangsehed i think? LOL and other guys too. Went to buy butter kaya bread set. Went to buy this red bean thing with coconut milk cos weisheng say must eat more to buff. But fuck man very hard finish cos alot of damn food sia. Lucky nvr waste much food in e end.
13. Dunno what happen ltr but we went pool!! THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MEMORY LOLOL. Cos by then my pool then more zai liao but lost to chin and js first match hahaz... expected though. Won e rest with YZ! Good partner who nvr complain unlike llama haha. So i pity malcolm HAHA. Really funny when llama keep miss the pool ball. I REALLY EFFING ROFL. (Yes it was that funny.) Won with sam yay!! Pool is really when you score and stuff like that. But that part is still when your teamate gets to enjoy the victory. Could see YZ like keep blame himself... walao feel very bad sia. Kinda like BBALL! Lebron always top scorer but no NBA title. Sucks lor. ): (But aiya i am the kind of guy who rather ownself score and get all the glory. Maybe cos i play bball nvr get glory much so now i wanna be selfish and stuff? Aiya dunno lah, but they say pride is good for sports so yeah.) see sam score 2 ball in a role like WAH! Was my teaching the reason? ^_^ hope so haha. Btr not be qh teaching that help you hor. If not his 2 min btr than my whole 15 mins tutor lol. But when you see your teamate score likeashuang. Dosen't matter who he/she is. Unless the person i really dun like lor.
14. After that when back chalet slack and stuff. Then made the worst decision of my chalet... TO GO CAP BALL. Went there with no fcking plan and made e guys walk all the way with no direction... keep talking but guys nvr listen leh haiz. Tot its kevin fault at first cos he play dumb and cannot hear me. But aiya maybe its like sam say. I cannot attract attention, or dun have that leadership flare like peng peng have like when he do the roadcall. Lead them to the "playground" lol... Walk there keep thinking about my leadership fail. Worse of all, ppl follow keep KPKB argh. Make me feel likeashit. Aiya my fault for having no ahead plan i guess. But got there liao YZ help give plan. (SO RELIEVED) LOVE U YZ. dunno how but suddenly last to reach top of platform become iceman. Kevin of cos. Haha fun part FINALLY BEGINS! (: Played until nat theyall come. Wah then bad part come again. Not becos of them though. Wanted to organise Cap ball but nobody listen agn. HAIZ *SADFACE* JP help by organising. WTF he makes it look so EASY!!! WALAO WHY I CANNOT BE LIKEDAT? But fun game and team with hanlei cass peng and sean. Adopted my bball strategy and used intercept bball skills to play hehe. But still lose until 2-0-0 so no point haiz. ): SORRY JP MY BEHIND THE BACK PASS DAMN FAIL ._.
15. Went back after this game to wash up and eat!! We ate popeyes, and subway. QH lost his HP i think. Wahlao feel damn bad for him. Wanted to collect money for pool but then cannot lah from him cos he now so ke lian. If I him i will fucking likeasian now. Shuld help make him laugh to lose e sianess. Fcking lousy emotion lah honestly.
16. COUNTDOWN! By then i think QH recover le, I played mahjong i think. Keep winning cos of luck and we play 1 tai. Lum keep scolding vulgar lol told him vulgar will scare tiles away dun listen. HAIZ. Second turn went to take coke and make guys wait for me. SORRY! Will not do this again!! Won again. Then JP came and play... I think lum won this round? Or issit QH? Forgot. ltr kept tiles with LJ and talked with him for awhile. Thanks for enlightening me on mahjong knowledge haha. Told me alot of stuff but honestly what he say, i absorbed about 5%. But still nice to listen to him talk haha. Glad he come he don't feel emo.
17. 5,4,3,2,1, ITS 2012 WTFFFFFFFFF SRSLY? WTF ITS 2012? ITS REALLY EFFING 2012. Change channel LOLOL. Watched the Channel U comedy with the grandfather daughter and grandson. Funny sia. The part where the grandad and grandson both saw the girls they like and the music change. Likea damn funny. Good show lah!! But dunno why don't have chance watch finish. Felt tired and went to rest. They then go bowling and I took care of chalet. Effing malcolm scare me say chalet maybe got ghost then first min i got hard time sleeping ccb. But ltr guys come back and i need open door i think. But i don't remember leh. OMG ITS A GHOST... woooooooo. Okay nvm lame. So they came back and i nvr woke up again until 8:30am!! WO! long sleep. Song bo. Best part is QH IS ASLEEP NO FUCKING NOISE. HOSEHBO. Wake up and dunno who say my hair in a mess. FUCK YOU spoil my day u ass. Okay nvm actually i not that bothered about the hair. Just wanna brush teeth and wash face but in e end only managed to do the first. So packed up and got ready to go back home!!!!!
18. Went to eat at same place and i ate chicken rice again... b4 i nvr mention cos i forget liao paiseh. Ate alote more chicken and nat return my money YESH. QH ltr return mine but i feel damn bad cos is i keep disturb him one and he lost his phone haiz. So we boarded the MRT with the walk back and slacked on it!! JP alighted to go for Family BBQ and me at queensway to order jerseys. fucking store nvr open but i bought 2 t-shirts ^_^.
-WISH EVERY1 A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND THAT EACH EXPERIENCE, NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL BE A STEPPING STONE FOR YOU. BE IT A COMMENT, A MOVE OF A MUSCLE, A THOUGHT IN THE MIND, A LOOK IN THE EYE, A SMELL, A SICKNESS, EVEN A FEELING. CAPITALIZE AND TRY YOUR BEST. okay actually i saying this cos i want myself to achieve all these things. I cannot give any general material becos all will generally be for me. But What i wanna say can be summarise by kobe haha. So heres his quote.
Everything negative- pressure, challenges- is all an opportunity for me to rise- Kobe Bryant
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