Monday, 26 November 2012

New perspective.

Moses taught me something, okay, reinforced something in me today. Its a really strong method to use. Many of us tend to set goals but fail to do the planning and the carrying out, that's why so many of us are unsure of our future and leave things in the hands of fate.
I'm not saying that living in the moment isn't good but, planning for the future can bring you really big benefits. When I really thought about it, it really made a lot of sense.

When you set a goal, you have to make it specific, create a clear path and don't lose your sense of direction.
Make sure its specific as hell and don't spare any details.
Know about what you're doing and be sure of your path.
That way, we can gain a large amount of confidence.
This is just a small part. I'm sorry if the significance isn't delivered in my post.

My thoughts on this? Always pursue your dreams.
as one path closes,
another one opens up.
It the theory of the universe.

There is always a way.

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