Sunday 19 May 2013

Thoughts over dinner

~I can't believe how much my family means to me. I'm nothing without them.

~You can't always be afraid to get into depressing moods, there will always situations which throw you into them, we have to get out of them ourselves.

~YOU are responsible for how you feel,
and YOU are a grown up, you can't always rely on others to bring you up.
It's time to raise your own morale YOURSELF.

Friday 8 February 2013

Monday 4 February 2013

Just so really tired.

I wish I could just stop hurting people unintentionally... I don't even fucking want to. I'm just expressing myself and I didn't mean to direct anything at anyone. Why can't the world just give me a break... Sigh. They just keep coming, problems and problems... I'd thought it would have finally stopped after As. Perhaps it's just my fault, as always... It's always like this, I can't even pour out to anyone because I don't even understand my shit, that's how complicated it is. I just don't want to do things that make me unhappy, but then it affected others in the process? Perhaps I should just shut my mouth my whole life, then I won't hurt anyone, EVER.

If there's a word that emphasizes fatigue more than EXHAUSTED, hit me.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Sometimes life is just fucking exhausting. Gosh... Haiz, I just really don't know. Just back off alright... You just always say the wrong things...

Tuesday 29 January 2013


Sometimes I wander what's more important, being good to everyone or being happy deep down inside.

Tuesday 22 January 2013


Sometimes when we don't get the love we want, giving makes us think we will.

Monday 21 January 2013

Feelin it.

I just know that deep down inside, someday, all of this is going to be worth it. The one calling the shots at the courts, it just drives me forward.
All that pain, all that discipline, ignoring all negativities and just pushing through despite all odds, IT'S GOING TO BE WORTH IT.